Overwater Pre-owned Commission Sales Programme
Overwater Pre-Owned Commission Sale Programme
Overwater is known throughout the world as a by-word for quality and attention to detail. We are exceptionally proud of this reputation and are keen to ensure that it stays with any Overwater instrument throughout its lifetime. With this in mind, we have introduced a commission sale service whereby existing Overwater owners can sell their basses through the Overwater web shop, providing the new purchaser of a pre-owned instrument with added confidence in the transaction.
The Overwater Pre-Owned Commission Sale Programme offers existing owners:
• The most reputable channel through which to sell your Overwater instrument.
• Added value in the form of a full service and set-up.
• Peace of mind that the extended 1 year Overwater Warranty will cover any post-sale issues that may arise.
• Confidence that your Overwater, serviced and set-up in our workshops and complete with a comprehensive 1 year Overwater Warranty, is now positioned to command the optimum asking price.
The Overwater Pre-Owned Commission Sale Programme provides potential buyers the assurance that:
• The condition of your ‘pre-owned’ instrument has been verified as to its genuine condition by those who built it.
• Your instrument has been fully serviced and set-up in the Overwater workshops.
• The instrument comes with a comprehensive 1 year Overwater Warranty, covering all aspects of workmanship, parts and materials.
• Confidence that the asking price is fair and realistically reflects the value and condition of the instrument.
Terms and Conditions
In order for Overwater to give the best possible service to sellers and buyers alike, certain conditions must be agreed to. These are as follows:
The seller agrees that:
• The Overwater instrument will not have appeared for sale anywhere else, including retailers/dealers website, on any other internet platforms, including specific selling sites (such as eBay) or bass interest forums or chat rooms, for a minimum of one month prior to Overwater offering the instrument for sale. If it is found that the instrument has been advertised for sale anywhere else within this time, Overwater reserves the right to either return the instrument to the owner at the owners expense, or wait until a one month gap has elapsed before putting the instrument back on the market.
• The seller will provide a full description of the condition of the instrument, including any cosmetic damage or mechanical/electrical issues, for Overwater to assess whether the instrument is suitable for our Pre-Owned Commission Sale Programme – before instruments are shipped to Overwater. If, on receipt of the instrument, it is felt that the description provided varies too considerably from the actual state of the instrument, Overwater reserves the right to decline the instrument for re-sale and return it to the owner at the owners’ expense.
• The seller agrees to meet the cost of any refurbishment work undertaken by Overwater other than the Overwater Service and Set-up, which is included without charge as part of the Overwater Pre-Owned Commission Sale Programme.
• The Seller agrees that Overwater will deduct a fee of 25% of the selling price at point of sale (plus VAT at 20% where applicable).
• The seller agrees to leave the instrument for sale with Overwater for a minimum of twelve weeks from the date it appears for sale on the Overwater webshop.
Overwater agrees that:
• After receiving the instrument for assessment, Overwater will contact the owner with details of any work that needs to be carried out in preparation for sale, and will agree with the owner a price for any work to carried-out prior to undertaking this work.
• Overwater will value the instrument at a price that it feels fairly reflects the condition of the instrument and will seek the agreement of the owner before advertising this as the “for sale” price.
• As part of the Overwater Pre-Owned Commission Sale Programme, we will re-string the instrument and provide an Overwater Service and Set-up free of charge.
• As part of the Overwater Pre-Owned Service, Overwater will provide a 1 Year limited liability Warranty or the instrument free of charge.
• Overwater will take high-quality photographs and compile a detailed description that accurately reflects the condition of the instrument proposed for sale.
• The instrument will be marketed through the Overwater website (web shop), and may also feature on the Overwater Facebook page and/or in Overwater newsletters.
• Overwater agrees to do its’ utmost to achieve the sale price agreed with the owner.
• If the sale price is proving difficult to achieve, Overwater will consult the owner before considering re-listing the instrument at a discounted price.
• Having deducted a 25% (plus VAT) fee for the Overwater Pre-Owned Service at time of sale, Overwater will pay the remaining 75% of the selling price to the owner within seven days of the sale transaction being confirmed (unless the owner has made a prior arrangement with Overwater that his/her portion of the sale price go towards a new Overwater instrument, in which case, the proceeds will be credited to his/her Overwater account).
• Whilst Overwater recognises that it cannot predict exactly when an instrument will sell, it undertakes to pro-actively seek a suitable buyer for the instrument by whatever means are reasonably within its’ power.